Manchester, NH – Last month marked the tenth consecutive year that the Tower of Toys initiative collected unwrapped children’s toys, sports equipment, art supplies, cosmetics, movie certificates, and gift cards to benefit children and families in need. Donations were formed into a toy-filled tower at the Atrium of the Beacon Building at 814 Elm Street, Manchester for a community open house and then distributed to families over two days. Gifts were also delivered to Spaulding Academy & Family Services and Families in Transition.
This year, the Tower of Toys served more than 1,500 New Hampshire children by collecting hundreds of presents and more than $25,200 in monetary donations – used to purchase additional gifts.
“As always, the generosity of our community made this Christmas a memorable one for many children,” said Amanda Wihby, chief operations officer and co-owner of the Red Arrow Diners. “The Tower of Toys is dedicated to easing the holiday burden on families experiencing financial hardships while keeping the magic of Christmas alive. The sponsors are moved by the overwhelming participation of individuals and businesses who made this tenth annual event a heartwarming success.”
Tower of Toys was sponsored by the Red Arrow Diner, Angels Sewing and Quilting, The Beacon Building, Colliers, Cross Insurance, Dick Pratte Cabinetry, Downdog Flow Yoga & Pilates, Flexecution, Inc., JDS Flooring, Just Flow Events & Marketing, Melanson, and NHCIBOR Cares.
For more information about the Tower of Toys initiative, visit https://toweroftoys.org/ and www.facebook.com/toweroftoysnh/.
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